To discuss holding your wedding or any event at The Monastery, contact Kate or Fran to arrange a personal welcome tour.

Call 0161 223 3211 or email Kate or Fran now.

We would love you to visit us at The Monastery! You’ll be sure of a warm welcome, and we know you’ll enjoy the time you spend with us.

For more information, click here.

Keep up to date with the amazing array of events we hold all year around.

**Please note: The Monastery café will close early at 3.30pm, on Thu, 19th Sept, 2024. Sorry for any inconvenience**

The Village Screen Pop-up Cenima

Romeo & Juliet

Whether you’re single or coupled up, you will love the amazing atmosphere of these renowned events in the glorious setting of The Monastery.  Choose from Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo & Juliet on Friday 9th February